Perlen Poesie Magazine Free

Welcome to the home of Albion Stitch, a beading process I have developed.

Reviewers have been kind, bead artist Dulcie Heller shared her thoughts on the possible origin of the stitch and showed her exploration of the wave bead in her blog.
Beadwork Magazine Editor Mindy Brooks wrote a lovely endorsement,

“After 70,000 years of beading can anything we come up with truly be called new? That’s the question the Beadwork staff had been mulling over as we worked on bead artist Heather Kingsley-Heath’s Albertine necklace. But, eventually, we set aside our skepticism. Heather’s piece uses a beading technique that she calls Albion Stitch, and it is, in fact, a stitch we haven’t seen before”.

(Beadwork Magazine Aug/Sept 2011).

It began when I was beading a freeform brick stitch piece. As a way of growing the piece more quickly; I worked some elongated picot stitches with two bead tops, linking the tops with ladder stitch, to make a new base row for more brick stitch.

The first Albion Stitch piece to be completed was this wave bangle, worked from a simple base, with increasing rows and lots and lots of maths…

Perlen Poesie Bead Poetry bead art quarterly now features a full English-language version. This publication is unlike any other. Download Perlen Poesie - Issue 34 - September 2017 or any other file from Books category. HTTP download also available at fast speeds. Perlen Poesie Us; Perlen Poesie Magazine Free Download Youtube. Perlen Poesie Magazine. ViewcolumnGrid viewcomfyImages. PUB-PPM-1DE Perlen Poesie Issue 1: Carol Cypher (German) Log in for pricing. PUB-PPM-2DE Perlen Poesie Issue 2: Silke Radmacher (German) Log in for pricing. PUB-PPM-3DE Perlen Poesie Issue 3: Huib Petersen (German) Log in for pricing. Perlen Poesie - Issue 33 - June 2017English 100 pages True PDF 23 MBBeads and other components become jewelry art: 100 pages with at least 15 tutorials in different skill levels from around the world, with clear graphics, beautiful photographs. In addition, news.

Slowly a process emerged, ways of increasing and decreasing, of getting the stitch to describe shapes and patterns. Terminology for describing the steps, ways to make it do all the basics that any other beading stitch is expected to do.

My beading group tried it, and loved it, so it was time to create a sequential collection of designs, each showing a new step in the process, which became the patterns in book one.

The second half of the story was revealed in book two, with techniques for creating bezels, crisp geometric shapes, layered forms and patterns for flowers, insects and leaves. Together, the two books shared the entire process so far developed.

I travel the beading world teaching Albion Stitch, and continue to develop the stitch ever further, with a steady supply new designs for classes and kits.

A third book is now available with more new developments. You can find out more in the blog posts and you can order the book from the book section.

Perlen Poesie Magazine Free Download

I have received many requests from designers and students curious about the stitch. Copyright rules apply to my published designs, but you are very welcome to use Albion Stitch in your work to create new designs, to teach and sell those designs. You are also openly invited to get in touch and share your development of this exciting stitch process.


I’d love to show and share news of your work so please feel welcome to contact me via email.

Perlen Poesie Magazine
I'm very excited! This week I received my copy of Perlen Poesie (Poetry of Pearls) magazine.
Why am I so excited? Because I modeled for this issue - heehee :) You can see me on page 13-16. I must say I never expected to model anything, but this wasn't too bad, as you can see all they needed was my neck - haha!
Perlen Poesie is a great beading magazine for beaders, packed full of what is going on in the world of beads, new techniques, patterns and instructions for your own projects.Magazine
Perlen poesie magazine free download
PerlenThe magazine is prepared and published in Hamburg, in German (by my friends). However, this is the first issue that carries an English translation of the text everywhere it is sold outside Germany (I understand it is the biggest beading magazine in Europe, plug plug). You can find out more on their website:
Meanwhile I had a super lovely morning. I went down to Mylys as I needed some ivory cotton yarn for a custom order. I had a yummy hot choc in their cafe and a nice chat with Naima. You should pop in if ever in Hamburg, it is the friendliest and cosiest wool shop I have ever been to.
Free street stuff: Bed linen

On the way back to the car I found this pile of bed linen on top of an outside rubbish bin cupboard. Wow! I was happy it was left in plain sight and not just tossed in the trash, it's all clean and nicely folded. I know exactly what I want to do with it - cushions for our rather uncomfortable kitchen chairs. Do you ever pick good stuff up off the streets?

Perlen Poesie Magazine Free Download

What I did with the bed linen.

Perlen Poesie Magazine Free Download

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