Download Bloomberg Excel Add In

Bloomberg Excel Add-in Help and Training The Bloomberg Excel Add-in, formally known as Bloomberg API (Application Program Interface), is a tool that delivers Bloomberg data directly into an Excel spreadsheet for custom analysis and calculations. THE BLOOMBERG EXCEL ADD-IN Date printed: WHAT IS THE BLOOMBERG EXCEL ADD-IN? //07. Date Calendar: Download data based on a specific date range. For example, you can download daily data between 2/15/16. To use the Bloomberg Excel Add-In while logged in through the BLOOMBERG ANYWHERE® website, you must launch Excel by opening an Excel file from a Bloomberg Anywhere window. For example, you can open a spreadsheet from the Personal File Manager (FILE) or Excel Template Library (XLTP) functions,. Troubleshooting for the Excel Bloomberg Add-In Often users experience problems with the download of data in Excel using the Bloomberg Add-In, e.g. Bloomberg Excel add-in IS now in ubasmi03's profile Bloomberg PowerPoint add-in is ncw in ubasmi03's profile Bloomberg Word add-in IS now In ubasm103's profile Installing Bloomberg Office Add-Ins Press INSTALL button to install the Bloomberg add-ins into the current user's profile Bloomberg Excei add-in is now in ubasmi03's profi!e.

Bloomberg Excel Add-In

Bloomberg Excel Add-In is a powerful tool that allows you to deliver Bloomberg data into MS Excel spreadsheet for analysis and calculations. The Data Wizard is a handy feature to retreive various types of data from Bloomberg.

Data Wizard

Click the Real-Time/Historical icon to open the Data Wizard.

  • Market, Reference, Analytical, Data Sets
    - allows you to retrieve the most recent data from over 500 data fields
  • Historical End of Day
    - end of day market, fundamental and analytical data for a specified time period
  • Historical Intraday Bars
    - intraday market data for defined time interval (e.g. 1 min, 2 min, etc), based on bid, ask or trade events.
  • Historical Intraday Ticks
    - intraday market ticks for time increment, based on bid, ask, or trade events.

API Download Limit

If you have 'N/A Limit' on your Excel spreadsheet when extracting data on Bloomberg, it means that you have reached the API download limit on that machine (learn more about other error codes). Generally speaking, there are 3 types of API download limits:

  1. Daily Limit: 500,000 hits per day where five fields with ten securities would count as 50 hits for example. (Error code for usage exceeding daily limit: #N/A Daily)
  2. Monthly Limit: 5000-7000 unique identifiers per month. (Error code for usage exceeding monthly limit: #N/A Review)
  3. Real-time Limit: 3500 consecutive real time requests at any one time.

If we have surpassed the monthly API download limit, you will have to wait until the start of the next month for the limit to be reinstated, so use the API quota wisely. There are also other ways to export Bloomberg data without using the quota.

1. Historical Closing Price

If you want to get a time series of closing price for a stock (e.g. Cheung Kong Holdings; BBG Ticker: 1 HK <EQUITY>)

  • On Bloomberg screen, type 1 HK <EQUITY> GPO, then hit <GO>.
  • Select Edit on the toolbar, and choose Copy Data to Clipboard.
  • Paste your selection onto the spreadsheet.

2. Balance Sheet/Income Statement Items

Bloomberg anywhere excel add in download

Bloomberg Add In Excel 2016 Download

To extract accounting items for a company (e.g. Cheung Kong Holdings; BBG Ticker: 1 HK <EQUITY>) from Bloomberg, you can

Download Bloomberg Excel Add-in

  • On Bloomberg screen, type 1 HK <EQUITY> FA, then hit <GO>.
  • Select Output > Excel on the toolbar, click Save As and select your save location.


While the Data Wizards are the easiest way to download data to Excel, the Bloomberg Formulas give you more flexibility to create your own data set and its layout. When using any of the formulas, you must specify:

  1. Security instrument (e.g. equity, bond, fund, etc)
  2. Data field, and the field must be represented by its field mnemonic.
  3. To find a particular field name, use FLDS

Basically, there are 3 types of BBG Formulas:

Bloomberg FormulasExample

BDP (Bloomberg Data Point)

  • Contains only one ticker and one data field
  • One static or real time data point only.

To retrieve the price of the last trade of Google Stock:


BDH (Bloomberg Data History)

  • Contains only one ticker and one data field
  • One static or real time data point only.
Formula Syntax: =BDH('Security', 'Field', 'Start Date','End Date', 'Optional Arguments')

To retrieve annual EBIT data for HSBC from 2009 to 2011:

=BDH('5 HK EQUITY','EBIT','01/01/2009', '12/31/2011','PER=CY','CURR=USD')

BDS (Bloomberg Data Set)

  • Provides descriptive data
  • One static or real time data point only.
Formula Syntax: =BDS('Security', 'Field', 'Optional Arguments')

To retrieve company (601398 CH) decription:

=BDS('601398 CH EQUITY','DES')


The following templates show you how to use Bloomberg formulas to extract data

1. Downloading Time Series Data (e.g. LAST_PRICE) for Multiple Securities (vertical format) (HKUST Only)

  1. Click here to download the template
  2. Open the file on Bloomberg Terminal
  3. There are two worksheets in the template
  4. Select Bloomberg on the toolbar
  5. Then click Refresh Workbooks

Download Bloomberg Excel Add-in

2. Downloading Time Series Data (e.g. LAST_PRICE) for Multiple Securities (horizontal format)

  1. Click here to download the template (HKUST Only)
  2. Open the file on Bloomberg Terminal
  3. Go to sheet 2. Select Bloomberg on the toolbar
  4. Then click Refresh Workbooks

How Do You Download Bloomberg Excel Add In

3. Downloading Fundamental Data Using Override Method

Bloomberg Excel Add-in - Getting Started With Bloomberg ...

  1. Click here to download the template (HKUST Only)
  2. Open the file on Bloomberg Terminal
  3. There are two examples in the template
  4. Select Bloomberg on the toolbar
  5. Then click Refresh Workbooks