Diplomatic Immunity Vol 1

Ross, Mitchell S. 'Rethinking Diplomatic Immunity: A Review of Remedial Approaches to Address the Abuses of Diplomatic Privileges and Immunities.' American University International Law Review 4, no. The Diplomatic Relations Act, contains provisions to: 1) repeal the old immunity provisions, 22 U.S.C. §§ 252-54; 2) extend Vienna Convention privileges and immunities to diplomatic personnel from countries which have not ratified the Convention; 3) allow the President to grant.


Article Title

Diplomatic immunity, a fundamental principle of international law, shields members of a diplomatic mission and their families and servants from a state's legal process.' 0 This shield consists of the freedom from local jurisdiction as.

Diplomatic immunity vol 1 summary

Diplomatic Immunity Vol 1 Pdf



'Diplomatic immunity covers many things, but failing to pay $400,000 rent is not one of them, a federal judge said as he ordered the Zaire mission to the United Nations to be evicted from its offices.' However, only a few months later, the Second Circuit Court of Appeals overruled the judge by holding that diplomatic immunity does extend to this case and that the mission cannot be evicted.

Recommended Citation

Goldenberg, Rina (1995) 'Abuse Of Diplomatic Immunity: Is The Government Doing Enough?,' ILSA Journal of International & Comparative Law: Vol. 1 : Iss. 1 , Article 9.
Available at: https://nsuworks.nova.edu/ilsajournal/vol1/iss1/9

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