Deadlands Reloaded Character Sheet

Living Deadlands uses Deadlands: Reloaded DLR rules - the Savage Worlds version of Deadlands. The Compositae Ordinem Exploratores Occulto 1 Player Resources 1.1 Character Sheets 1.2 Players Guides 1.3 Miscellaneous 2 Marshall Resources 2.1 Figure Flats 2.2 Miscellaneous Deadlands: Reloaded.pdf - a fillable.pdf character sheet for Deadlands: Reloaded. Deadlands: Reloaded.pdf - another. I've looked at the sheet to see if it's usable for original Deadlands: The Weird West from 1996 rather than the Savage Worlds version which is Reloaded. Looking at the sheet I think it's actually based on the 1996 version NOT the Reloaded 2006 version. So, I went and found the original sheets for both versions and they are very different. If any brave souls want to help test out some new character sheet printing features for FG, please check the following links. There are XSL sheets for D&D 4E, D&D 5E and Deadlands Reloaded. You should be able to look at those files (the deadlands and 5E ones may be the easiest to follow) and build your own XSL sheets or modify the ones included. 22 May 2007 Character Sheets A plethora of different styles for you to record your Custom Deadlands: Reloaded Sheet. Author, Lord Skudley printable dvd media printable deadlands reloaded character sheet. May 18, 2009 These activities are a great way to spend a rainy afternoon! Printable enneagram test printable hidden object games.

Deadlands Classic : The Adventure Party

Combat Cheat Sheet

if you don't quite understand the Basics cheat sheet then look over there first…

When Combat starts


  • if character is surprised roll cognition (tn 5) if expecting something or (tn 11) if they are not.
  • If the roll fails no cards until passing a fair(tn5) guts check in following rounds.
  • those who passed surprise check can make leadership rolls to keep others unsurprised

Action Deck

  • roll quickness(tn5). draw a card from action deck,plus additional for a success and 1 for each raise.
  • goin' bust means no cards
  • red jokers can be used at any time (but cannot be sleeved); you also draw a random chip from fate pot,
  • black jokers cause you to lose any cards up your sleeve and the deck is reshuffled next round. -Marshall draws from fate pot
  • Action counts down from ace to deuce and you take your actions when your cards are called .
  • Suit initiative - Spade -> Heart -> diamond -> club

Cards up the sleeve.

When a card comes up in a round, you can choose to keep it up your sleeve to use at any future time in this combat or for interruptions - until the black joker is drawn

Interrupt - with a card up your sleeve you can interrupt another characters action with an opposed quickness(tn5) test.

  • success means simultaneous actions
  • success+raise you move first


  • each square is 2 yards(or 2 pace)
  • walking has a -2 to shooting
  • moving at double your pace is running and you have a -4 penalty on other actions.



you can fire your weapon's ROF each action.

shootin' is (tn5) + range divided by weapons range modifier.

roll your shootin' and hit location(d20) and reliability (if using mad science [d20])

Other shootin' related actions:

FillableDeadlands Reloaded Character Sheet
  • draw a bead: each action spent drawin' a bead ads +2 to your shootin' roll up to a +6.

    • vamoosin', gettin' distracted, or stunned loses the bonus.
  • call a shot
legs, arms-4
head, hands, feet-6
eyeball, heart-10
  • draw a weapon
  • quickdraw: roll tn5 get to pull a weapon and fire in the same round.

    • (-2 modifier for pullin' 2 guns )
    • (+2 for a quickdraw holster)
  • reload: one bullet per action. automatics usually require 2. speed load clips require 2 actions.

    • speed load: fail still yields 1 bullet
failload 1 bullet,
speed load in normal time
tn5speed load clip in 1 action
tn92 bullets in chamber
tn113 bullets in chamber
  • fan the hammer: using a single action pistol with a free hand, fire up to 6 shots in an action.

    • -2 on shootin' roll, each raise means another bullet has hit a target.
    • Can choose to hit adjacent targets (2 yards away)
  • dual pistols: suffer a -2 for main hand, and -6 for off-hand (unless you've got 2 gun kid merit)
Deadlands Reloaded Character Sheet


fightin' has to beat a (5) roll to land an attack. +2 to location. called shots work the same,
2 handed attacks in same round work the same

  • weapons with a defensive bonus have that number added to opponents attack target number
  • bolas whips and lariats ensare target if they beat opponents dodge roll

Hit locations

1-4legs – (odd – left: even-right)
10gizzards (+1 damage dice)
11-14arms (odd-left: even-right)
20noggin (+2 damage dice)
  • +2 when fightin'
  • +2 advantage with waist high advantage
  • +4 head high
  • raises allow you to adjust hit location up and down by 1 point

Test o' Wills – scare an opponent into submission without pullin' a trigger

bluff vrs scrutinize | overawe v guts | ridicule v ridicule

successunnervedtarget has -4 on next action
1 raisedistractedtarget loses cheat card or next highest card
2 raisebrokenunnerved + distracted and character gets to draw from fate pot.


burn your highest action card (or sleeve card) to avoid an attack before damage is rolled

  • dodge opposed by shootin' (for missile attacks)
  • fightin' by fightin' :(if fighting, character has to move back 1 square or suffer -4 on vamoose roll.)

Damage Rolls

damage rolls for weapons are the sum of all dice instead of the highest number,
if a weapon has a trait or attribute roll, its the highest number of the trait roll, plus all the damage

+1die of damage for gizzards, +2 dice for noggin (no extra dice if using hands)

Wounds levels damage total divided target's size.

characters suffer a negative modifier of their highest wound level on all rolls.
Serious and higher wounds bleed out wind each round.

wound levelmodifier
serious -3 bleeds 1 wind/round
critical-4 bleeds 2wind/round
wound-5 bleeds 3 wind/round

Wind: roll 1d6 for each wound level received & lose that much wind. open ended roll

Stun: roll vigor against wound level – failure means no actions until succeed at recovery check.

Deadlands reloaded character sheets
wound levelTN

when no wind is left, go unconscious -


  • wind can be recovered by an easy (tn3) medicine roll or at 1 wind per minute.
  • requires a medicine check at the same level of difficulty as the stun check
  • natural healing gets to roll vigor every 5 days.
  • maimed in limbs means loss, in guts, gizzard, head: death

Deadlands Reloaded Character Sheet Fillable

Fate Chips

Deadlands Reloaded Character Sheet Tabletop Simulator

Chip TypeWhiteRedBlueLegend
aptitude roll1 exta die per chip spent.
Cannot be used with red or blue
roll a bonus die and add to roll. can only spend 1 chip per action. Marshall draws from fate pot on useroll a bonus die and add to roll.reroll any die roll, including busts
wound negation1 wound
or 5 winds
2 wounds
or 10 wind
3 wounds or 15 wind5 wounds or all wind
bounty point1235

Deadlands Reloaded Character Sheet Fillable

need more? go to the Unique Firearms Cheat Sheet