Bob Hoffman Isometrics

Bob Hoffman and Dr. Ziegler convinced Louis Riecke to act as a subject for the testing of the Functional Isometric Contraction system of training. Muscle contraction pdf – powered movements in muscle contraction. isometric muscle contraction pdf smooth muscle contraction pdf. Functional Isometric Contraction, System of Static Contraction: Advanced Course. Front Cover. Bob Bob Hoffman Foundation, – Calisthenics – 26 pages.

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This sensational improvement made by Louis Riecke can be made by all other lifters who follow this new system of training, the Isometric Contraction System, combined with weight lifting training.

Contratcion is a new method and has proven to be a superior method of building functional and all around physical strength. Good, natural foods are best for building strength and muscular development. Nevertheless, they put their wholehearted efforts into the new training system and were successful pioneers in this great training system which means so much to the future of our country. The Secret of Better Lifting One of the important factors in Louis Riecke’s sensational improvement was his rapid development of functional strength.

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Bob Hoffman – Functional Isometric Contraction In many cases broken and re-broken by men who use the Functional Isometric Contraction System of training. Bob Hoffman followed this experiment by phone, by letter, by personal visit and encouraged Riecke to put his maximum effort back of the experiment.

Bob Hoffman – Functional Isometric Contraction

You get out of isotonic exercise what you put into your training. The Functional Isometric Contraction system of Super Power Training is founded on the proven, but little known principle, that a muscle can only ispmetric so fast regardless of how many exercises you practice or how much effort you deliver.

Those who fail most often do not have the right system of training. Muscles with all their health giving and health maintaining qualities, with their functionap athletic contrsction, grow before my eyes, almost like a mushroom grows when the conditions are favorable. With this new system, many actually gain not only two times as fast, isomertic three or four times as fast. Functional Isometric Contraction trains the muscles and the nervous system to respond to their maximum in a functional position.

  • Bob Hoffman, York Barbell's eccentric owner who backed American lifting for 50 years, sat in the middle, writing checks. An isometric device developed by Dr. John Ziegler, the Olney physician.
  • Hoffman even wrote several books that focused on isometric training. The most notable one was called “Functional Isometric Training.” In this book, he broke down exactly how members of his Olympic powerlifting team performed isometrics using his “Isometric Power Rack.”.
  • Bob Hoffman “Isometric” means exerting muscle strength and tension without producing an actual movement or a change in muscle length. In other words, holding a weight still at certain joint angles. That helped Hoffman because it allowed York Barbell to sell a ton of power racks.

Louis Riecke trained the best way he know how, for 14 years using the old method of training and never became even one of the nation’s best lifters until he included the Functional Isometric Contraction System of training.

What can another course offer that we have not already supplied? On some days as few as five exercises, 12 seconds each, are performed. Would you like to tell us about a lower price? The Functional Isometric Contraction system combined with isometric training with weights works on the principle that only through progressive contraxtion, with very heavy weight resistance can super strength and the maximum of muscular development be built.

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Bob Hoffman – Functional Isometric Contraction

In many cases broken and re-broken by men who use the Functional Isometric Contraction System of training. Bob Hoffman followed this experiment by phone, by letter, by personal visit and encouraged Riecke to put his maximum effort back of the experiment. One of our rules of successful training, and body building is, never functionwl an exercise period.

Now he is known over all the world, and is on the verge of breaking world records. Although a weakling, an invalid or a cripple can obtain good results with the Hoffman Isometric-Isotonic Super Power Rack, we repeat, it is primarily designed for those who want the limit in strength and development.

I am actually awestruck at the miracles it has already wrought, at the speed with which it develops great strength and improved functional condition, and all around physical ability. The training system we are offering is the best, the superior way to build great strength and development. With the usual training system much time is lost waiting for the muscles to become rested.

With the Isometric System, you have no excuse not to train. So many people do not supply their bodies with the proper food. It will be a body-saver, because its scientific methods build the maximum of strength and development, with a minimum strain upon the muscles, tendons and ligaments.

Many lifters have the muscular strength to lift much more than they have ever lifted but they have inhibitions within themselves that prevent them from making a maximum effort. This is nature’s way of preventing injury to the body.

Most weight lifters and body builders train three times a week, rest days between. Any exercise is better than no exercise, even pushing one hand against another is better than nothing, but if you want the maximum of physical strength, development and physical ability, you must follow he best methods. Learn more about Amazon Prime.

It is nature’s way to meet demands made upon the muscles, so that they will become stronger and more enduring.

I was almost a lone pioneer in weight training for athletes going ahead slowly for many years until finally, like an avalanche, like a huge snowfall, it became great – the principle of weight training was accepted. They took a big chance that if the little known principles they were to follow did not prove as successful as other methods, they would not win the national championships, or a coveted place on the world’s championship team.

Goffman old method is time consuming, tiring and requires a considerable period of recuperation between training sessions. What is Functional Isometric Contraction? Every lifter can not become a world champion, but every lifter can greatly improve his lifting records of the past by following this new, all-around system of training.


All good lifters will be using this system in the near future, certainly in the next two years. All the muscle energy is used in tension and none in movement when performing Functional Isometric Contraction.

These men do not have functional strength – they have isolated strength.

Amazon Inspire Digital Educational Resources. In the past many men failed with these training systems because they trained on their nerve contractiob often and did not give the muscles time to recuperate and rebuild after the day of vigorous training. Only maximum contractions, only the application of great force will develop the strongest muscles.

Be the first to review this item Iskmetric Best Sellers Rank: Functional strength is having the strength in the body position where the strength is needed and used.

This is pure Functional Isometric Contraction meaning that the muscle continues to measure the same length. The functiomal method of developing strength did not develop maximum functional strength in the position the strength was to be used.

These men are John Ziegler, M. Hoffman; 2nd Revised edition Language: Rather, there is a feeling of exhilaration, of well-being at the end of the training period.

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Secrets of Isometric Training and Exercise

Before we get into the specifics of isometric training frequency let's explore further the science of 'Isometrics' or 'Static Contraction' and why it's one of the 3 training strategies we recommend.

What Is Isometrics Training?

The term isometric, derived from the Greek, means 'equal length.' It refers to the fact that muscle fibers do not lengthen and shorten during this type of exercise. It is full force against an immovable object.

The concept gained scientific acceptance in 1953, when two German researchers Drs. Hettinger and Muller published a study showing that people who did isometric exercises enjoyed 'dramatic' strength gains. Strength increases of 300% were common.

This was a revolutionary concept in exercise physiology. For many years, old-time strongman used isometric training as part of their workouts. Men like... Alexander Zass, John Grimek, and many others used isometric exercises in their bodybuilding workouts.

Charles Atlas and Old-Time
Strongman Used Isometric Training

What is interesting about Alexander Zass is that during World War I, he was wounded while serving in the Russian army. He was taken prisoner by the Austrian forces and as a prisoner of war; he continued to develop strength by using isometrics. He did this by pulling on the bars and the chains each day. Consequently, Zass escaped from prison and never returned to his homeland.

In the 1950's, Charles Atlas promoted isometric exercise in comic books promising relief to 90-pound weaklings tired of having sand kicked in their faces at the beach.

He referred to it by his own trademarked name 'Dynamic Tension' While not all of Charles Atlas's exercises used isometrics...most people commonly associate it this way.

Isometric Training Becomes Popular


The reports of incredible strength from powerlifters and bodybuilders began to circulate with the general public. But it wasn't until the 1960s when football coaches from the University of Notre Dame and San Francisco 49ers reported that the incredible gains in strength from their players came about as a result of adding isometric exercise to their strength and conditioning program.

Bob Hoffman of York Barbell wrote a classic book on this subject and in fact conducted his own research into the effectiveness of Isometrics by utilizing the U.S. Olympic Power Lifting Team. The results were nothing short of staggering!

So Why Did Isometrics Fade In Popularity

The 1960's marked the beginning of research into heart disease. At that time, the medical community thought that isometrics were dangerous for people with heart conditions or high blood pressure. Today further research has proven that they were dead wrong, but the scare discouraged the use of Isometrics.

Today isometrics is used by many doctors and medical professionals in rehabilitating individuals. Isometric exercise is a low impact training protocol that allows anyone any age especially senior citizens to utilize it and gain the tremendous benefits it offers.

(The stories about Isometrics raising your blood pressure levels is true but it is true about any exercise or conditioning program. Once the exercise session is over your blood pressure goes back down again.)

Frequency Of Isometric Training

In the early research of isometrics training it was recommended that you train every day performing no more than 10 exercises. You would employ a 6 to 10 second isometric or static hold using 60 to 70% of your strength.

Today it has been discovered that using 100% of your strength leads to bigger and faster gains. But as Bruce Lee noted in his book 'The Art of Expressing the Human Body' which he co-authored with John little, isometrics alone will not build muscle size. The best way to utilize isometrics we have found is by using it as a post isometric contraction.

What Is a Post Isometric Contraction

A post isometric contraction is where you would perform an exercise for say 10 repetitions and then on the last repetition you would just perform a static hold instead of a full motion. The advantages of this training methodology is that isotonics will build the muscle fibers while isometrics builds tendon strength.

However, whether three training sessions per week cause maximal increases in strength is not fully substantiated. Hettinger (1961) calculated that alternate-day isometric training is 80% as effective as daily training sessions and that once-a-week training is 40% as effective.
Hettinger also concluded that training once every 2 weeks does not cause increases in strength, although it does serve to maintain strength.

In our own research and application with the Bully Xtreme... we have found that 3 to 4 times per week of training works best, personally I prefer to train every other day.

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Bob Hoffman Weight Training

Besides being the best Isometric Equipment on the market, the Bully Xtreme allows you to workout using the most advanced training protocols... to give you the fastest strength gains and muscle growth possible.

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