Easypal Digital Sstv Program


Elad fdm - duo sdr transceiver. Tokyo hy- power hl - 45b solid state amp. Titan dx vertical by gap - end feed wire 260 feet. 6 meter 5 element beam - two meter j-pole. Download the latest version of Easypal: Here You can get QSSTV: Here Feel free to use our server for Easypal Hybrid This site lives off donations, so feel free to click the button at the bottom Note: Files will automatically be deleted after 24 hours EASYPAL FTP CURRENTLY ONLINE. If you have any problems with this service, please email nledevil@gmail.com. Web Address: uploads.easypal. Software for Digital SSTV. Digital SSTV software is based on Digital Radio Mondiale (DRM) which is an open standard system for transmitting digital signals. DIGTRX requires hamdrm.dll to operate correctly. Digipal from Erik VK4AES. Easypal from Erik VK4AES. HamPal from Erik VK4AES. Look here for reviews of this software. SSTV-PAL from Erik VK4AES. Software for Linux. EasyPal enables you to send Digital SSTV pictures using a standard HF SSB rig. DRM as used in Easypal, allows very fast data transmissions with error correction, enabling very accurate decoding, and a means to request missing blocks, this is all done within Easypal, and very simple to do.

Digital SSTV Links

  • Digi-Ftp- Digi-Ftp monitors the KG-STV Autosave folder, the MMSSTV history folder, and the InterACE RxPics folder and when a new file is added, the image is uploaded to your Digi-Site same as EasyPal.
  • Digi-Sites- Monitor web-sites with uploaded EasyPal digital images and virtual web-cams.
    [ Hits: 984 | Votes: 5 | Rating: 4 ]
  • DIGTRX- High definition SSTV software for windows 2000, xp by PY4ZBZ
  • EasyPal- Easypal is a freeware DSSTV software uses the DRM (Digital Radio Mondiale) encoding to allow the sending of image files over voice channels. This mode is known as Digital SSTV
    [ Hits: 8372 | Votes: 22 | Rating: 6.75 ]
  • EP Cam- EP Cam can be used in place of ManyCam to capture the upper left corner of EasyPal. The captured image is used as an overlay on WebCam7 and used as a virtual web cam.
  • JMSK- JMSK is a software modem that implements a good coherent MSK demodulator that has performance comparable to BPSK. Signals are demodulated from the soundcard. Modulated signals can be routed through the soundcard or to an external device such as a DDS module for direct RF modulation. The advantage of MSK compared to PSK is that non linear amplifiers can be used and has a faster roll off. It is an open source cross-platform program written in C++ Qt.
    [ Hits: 267 | Votes: 1 | Rating: 1 ]
  • KG-STV- Digital SSTV software for Windows XP Vista and Windows 7
  • SSTV Pal Multimode- SstvPal Multimode, predecessor of EasyPal not supported anymore by Erik Sundstrup
    [ Hits: 3158 | Votes: 16 | Rating: 4.87 ]
  • SSTV Pics- Categorize and search images. Click on a thumbnail and it will be pasted into EasyPal.
  • Find more links about Digital SSTV with Google Custom Search Engine
  • Search Digital SSTV with DuckDuckGo or with Bing
  • Software

    ACARSADS-BAircraft scatterAndroidAntenna analysisAntenna rotor controlAPRSAudio RecordersAudio StreamingAwards trackingBeacon MonitoringBrowser extensionsCircuit DesignClip ArtCollectionsContestingD-STARDatabasesDecodersDeveloper ResourcesDigital SSTV* Digital VoiceDRMDSPDX ClusterEMEFilter DesignFront Panel DesignGrid Bearing and MapsHam ExamHellschreiberInternet LinkingiPhoneJT65Legacy SystemsLinuxLog AnalysisLog ConvertersLoggingLow FrequencyMacintoshMorse Code DecodersMorse Code TrainingMultimodeNavtexNBEMSOliviaOscilloscopePacketPacket ClusterPIC ProgrammerPropagationPSK31QSLRadio ControlRadio ProgrammingRepeater ControlRF Coverage MappingRTTYSatellite trackingShortwaveSignal GeneratorSoftware Defined RadioSpectrum analyzersSSTVTimeUtilitiesVector Network AnalyzerVirtual Audio SoftwareVirtual Serial PortVoice KeyerVoice toolsWeak SignalWeather and FAX
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